Umpiring is an integral part of netball, without umpires there would be no game. Umpiring is a great way to stay connected to the game of netball, understand the game in a new light, forge new friendships and stay fit. Whether umpiring for fun or to move up the pathway there is a place for every one and FNA is a great place to start!
Role of an Umpire:
It is the role of an umpire to ensure a fair and safe game of netball each time they step out onto the court. It is the umpire’s responsibility to umpire within the Rules of Netball and umpire to the best of their ability in every game they umpire. Umpires must be confident, knowledgeable, consistent, fair and fit. It is up to the umpire to ensure they are both mentally and physically ready to umpire the game at hand. Please navigate through the umpiring tab to find resources, programs and information about umpiring.
There are many opportunities to become involved as an umpire in Netball, to start your umpiring journey today contact your Club Umpire Coordinator.
The FNA Umpire Development Officer Bethan Duffill is available via email: umpiring@fremantlenetball.com.au