Primary School Holiday Clinic 2024

A coaching clinic for all netballers aged 5-10 years old will be held during the July school holidays. The aim of this clinic is to help young players develop the basic skills of our game in an atmosphere of fun & enjoyment. Coaches include current WA Netball League players, Association Rep. Team players and Association coaches.
*Register now! Limited spots remaining*
DATES: Monday 1st & Tuesday 2nd July 2024
TIMES: 9am – 12pm
VENUE: Fremantle Netball Association, Gibson Park
COST: $80
UNIFORM: Netball uniform, or sport shorts, sports shoes, clothing appropriate for all weather conditions.
DRINKS: Each player to bring own drink and a small snack (e.g. piece of fruit) to each session
GROUPS: Players will be placed in groups based on age and netball experience. Every effort will be made to place the participant with one friend, however, we cannot guarantee this.
QUERIES: FNA ADO Gayle Passmore (development@fremantlenetball.