Metro Development Program Carnival

This is an initiative between FNA, Perth NA & Wanneroo Districts NA, aimed at keeping those athletes who were not successful in being selected for the Fever In Time program engaged in a higher level of netball, and allow them to be extended further than what they potentially
would at club netball.

The focus is on game sense, connections between players and encouraging ‘thinking players’ as opposed to fitness-based training sessions.
It is a user-pays format, with the fee charged to players covering all costs.
Costs include:

  • ▪ Game Fees
    ▪ Indoor Court Hire for training
    ▪ Reimbursement to coaches and assistants for training sessions and games
    ▪ Umpire fees for carnival
    ▪ Windup dinner

Team will include:

  • ▪ 14&U
    ▪ 16&U
    ▪ 20&U

The FNA players have been selected from the athletes on the squad list we have for Association Championships.

The program consists of:

  • ▪ Four 1-11⁄2hr Training sessions for 14&U and 16&U teams.
    ▪ Two 1hr Training session for 20&U team.

For more information please contact:

Association Development Officer [Gayle Passmore]: .